I failed my test/exam/boards… now what? [practical advice for next steps]

Today’s inane image of the day:

Foliage from last year when I was in a wedding and decided to go on a solo hike. I do not recommend doing this after it has rained, the trail is slippery, you have zero phone service, and no one else was in the parking lot.

If you’ve stumbled across this entry, it is likely that either you or someone that you care deeply about has failed some sort of examination. It may be a low-stakes or a high-stakes one. It may be in the setting of a course, or it may be in the setting of a medical board examination. Either way, there is something so disarming about failing an exam. It really cuts deep. I am going to make the generalization that most people who are seeking advice after failing an exam are those who typically haven’t encountered this challenge before.

Either way, you are here and seeking advice on how to move forward.

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Day 15: Where to go, where to go

Today’s inane image of the day:

We use this fun device for most of our classes — it’s a part of the “active learning” part of our curriculum. For the most part, I think it does do its job of making sure we understand the material.

Just to keep you coming back, I’ve been promised guest posts from some of my inaugural-classmates… assuming I can squeeze one out of someone!

I’ve been meaning to write an entry about this for a while, but I’ve found other things to be easier to discuss and thus left it for a special day. Apparently, the day has come: let’s talk about specialties. Yes, yes, yes, I’m barely in my third week of my M1 year and I’m already concerned about what I want to be doing after four years?

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