On networking, research and improvement [preparing for MS4]

Today’s inane images of the day:

BBQ Chicken pizza is a personal comfort food favorite. I had this one while exploring a new city while on the interview trail.
BBQ Chicken pizza is a personal comfort food favorite. I had this one while exploring a new city while on the interview trail.


The perks of being a Delta Medallion member! [It was a short flight... but I'll take it!]
The perks of being a Delta Medallion member! [It was a short flight… but I’ll take it!]
The view from one of my hotel rooms. Heh.
The view from one of my hotel rooms. Heh.

There are a number of current 3rd year medical students whom I’ve counseled in the last couple months about planning for 4th year – to all of you, this will probably be redundant information. But for those of you who are interested in how I prepared for my 4th year, this entry may contain a couple pearls to consider.

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