Day 16: Trying to keep my head up

[What I wish was] Today’s inane image of the day:

I’d much rather be happily peaking from behind a palm tree on Hollywood Blvd… 

[What actually is] Today’s inane image of the day:

My hands are tired of writing about the different movements at synovial joints…WHY CAN WE MOVE IN SO MANY DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS?! [Oh yeah, that’s one of the great features of being human…]

I’m definitely having one of those kinds of evenings — oh you know the kind: I’m tired, slightly disheartened and really in need of a motivator. The glam and glitz of starting medical school has worn off and the magnitude of material that needs to be crammed into my head is growing exponentially. I fell behind last week, and now I feel like I am two weeks behind [even though it’s only Tuesday!].

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