Behind the drape [reflections on starting anesthesia training & tips for success]

Today’s inane image of the day:

As my Transitional Year internship progressed, my anxiety about starting my first year in clinical anesthesia increased exponentially. By June, I was frantically searching the depths of the internet for resources [e.g. how does one DO anesthesia!? what IS anesthesia?] to prepare for the mysteries that lie behind the drapes. At the end of my internship, I felt comfortable entering senna/colace orders, the periodic ABG [arterial blood gas] stick, and pontificating about my differential diagnosis in a SOAP [subjective, objective, assessment, plan] note, but the thought of being able to safely anesthetize a patient for surgery made me nauseous. I also started second-guessing my decision to pursue anesthesiology; during my TY year, I thoroughly enjoyed my inpatient medicine months and was prepared to switch to medicine if I didn’t end up liking anesthesia. Looking back, I can see now that I would have been happy doing a medicine residency, but I’m definitely happier and overall more satisfied in the field of anesthesiology.

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