BURNOUT – PART 2: focusing on scaling back (saying “NO”) and controlling what I can1 min read

Today’s inane image of the day:

A little over a year ago, I posted this video [https://youtu.be/5uOjxyRwhSc] on my experience with burnout as a resident and early on as an attending. In that video, I shared these 6 tips:

1. Acknowledge that you’re burned out
2. Make time for sleep
3. Lean on support
4. Exercise if able
5. Scale back on commitments (learn to say no)
6. Control what you can

Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to my own advice – especially number 5 and 6. So in this video, I give you guys the one year update on my most recent experience with burning out as an academic anesthesiologist/intensivist [ICU doctor].