Day 20: Making this work

Today’s inane image of the day:

Even while on “vacation” in California, I need to keep up with studying! At least the sun makes every subject so much brighter and more fun to study [plus, it doesn’t hurt to have Mike around to keep me smiling!].

Greetings from the Starbucks in Duarte, California! You didn’t think I’d forget about you during my extended weekend, did you?

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Day 18: Making connections; pause and reevaluate

Today’s inane image of the day:

This is how it all happens…

Have you ever considered how powerful and pivotal a computer/laptop keyboard is to your life? Through these keys, we paint a picture of ourselves and entitle them “Personal Statements.” Behind the masked of anonymity, we are able to express thoughts to strangers over the internet that may later blossom into a relationship. By tapping away at these all-too-familiar letters, numbers and symbols, we end up shaping the rest of our lives.

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Day 16: Trying to keep my head up

[What I wish was] Today’s inane image of the day:

I’d much rather be happily peaking from behind a palm tree on Hollywood Blvd… 

[What actually is] Today’s inane image of the day:

My hands are tired of writing about the different movements at synovial joints…WHY CAN WE MOVE IN SO MANY DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS?! [Oh yeah, that’s one of the great features of being human…]

I’m definitely having one of those kinds of evenings — oh you know the kind: I’m tired, slightly disheartened and really in need of a motivator. The glam and glitz of starting medical school has worn off and the magnitude of material that needs to be crammed into my head is growing exponentially. I fell behind last week, and now I feel like I am two weeks behind [even though it’s only Tuesday!].

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Day 15: Where to go, where to go

Today’s inane image of the day:

We use this fun device for most of our classes — it’s a part of the “active learning” part of our curriculum. For the most part, I think it does do its job of making sure we understand the material.

Just to keep you coming back, I’ve been promised guest posts from some of my inaugural-classmates… assuming I can squeeze one out of someone!

I’ve been meaning to write an entry about this for a while, but I’ve found other things to be easier to discuss and thus left it for a special day. Apparently, the day has come: let’s talk about specialties. Yes, yes, yes, I’m barely in my third week of my M1 year and I’m already concerned about what I want to be doing after four years?

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Day 14: Caffeine-withdrawal-induced lethargy

Today’s inane image of the day:

I also feel like free advertising for Starbucks… maybe I should talk to them about a contract or something.

Sadly, I have a confession to make: this weekend has been a complete wash. Yesterday, I was hopeful that I would get a whole pile of session objectives [a description of what those are will have to come in a later entry] filled out, some preparation for the week done and some packing for my upcoming trip. Unfortunately, all I’ve completed thus far: washed some lettuce, written a couple of blog entries, and filled out a single set of session objectives. Oh, and I slept a hefty number of hours, too.

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