Day 12: Getting the ball rolling

Today’s inane image of the day:

I feel like free advertising for water companies… anyway, I was just admiring how important water is to feeling your best! 

Today was quite an exciting day because we had our first official American Medical Women’s Association [AMWA] at OUWB [click on the link and “Like” us on Facebook!] meeting and it was a huge success! We had a great group of motivated women and men [yes! we do not discriminate by gender!]  contributing to the discussion and we have set our elections meeting for this upcoming Wednesday.

I’ll keep you updated on all the great events we have.

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Day 11: Beaumont, Big sibs, PRISM, LDR and everything else

Today’s inane image of the day:

Our first PRISM session was about expectations and wellness!

Most Thursdays, we have an excuse to wear our bright white coats because we have all of our classes in one of the Beaumont locations [today was Royal Oak]. I had the chance to walk through the small farmers’ market that sits right outside the South entrance and was happy to find the tastiest vegan desserts at the market. I can’t wait to go back and buy some baked goods next week!

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Day 10: Feeling the pressure

Today’s inane image of the day:

Whoever thought of putting a pretzel in an M&M was a genius! These are so good…

I tend to eat bad snacks when I’m stressed and these M&Ms were just too hard to say no to… I know I should get out of the habit of snacking on fried foods [you should see the saturated fat content on the chips I was just eating] but food is just so addicting! Plus, my exercise schedule has been completely thrown out of whack because the OU Rec Center is closed for maintenance this week. The good news about this is that I’ve started jogging, which is a huge accomplishment for me since I was always the kid with the 13-minute mile in school [not to say that I can do much better than that now, but at least I’m making progress].

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Day 6: Taking a “rest”

Today’s inane image of the day:

One of my favorite study tools… ever: notecards! As you can see, I have begun stocking up.
I had mentioned in a previous post, I’m going to try to keep track of the number of days that go in to each stretch of my medical training. This first stretch will be my undergraduate medical education (apparently the medical community refuses to let us move up to graduate level until after we have our M.D.). Why did I count today? Well, because I did work for medical school today.

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Day 4…

This is what I’m [attempting] to read [for TBL tomorrow]:

While interesting… it isn’t that riveting of a read [did I mention that it’s 33 pages? And that I had to tackle Robbins and Cotran’s “Pathologic Basis of Disease” prior to it?]

In other news, we did get shiny new Beaumont hospital badges today [no medical student white coat is complete without some sort of identifying tag]! I’ll post an image of it tomorrow… when I catch up on life and all.