Day 138: Exposing the spinal cord

Today’s inane image of the day:

When I was in high school, I was a part of the robotics team — this is what we came up with the second year I was on the team.

During our last BFCP2 Anatomy Lab session, we worked in teams [things were a bit scrambled since the physical therapy students were no longer joining us for lab] to expose the spinal cord. I didn’t really think much about the dissection until I walked into the lab and was greeted by saws, hammers and chisels. The sounds and scenes brought back fond memories of when I was a part of my high school’s robotics team — back then, I was all too familiar with using power tools to construct a final product, but I had never used those tools to do the opposite: uncover/reveal a structure.

Each of us [that wanted to — understandably, there were a few people who were uncomfortable with the tools] took turns reflecting the back muscles laterally to expose the spinous processes and laminae of the vertebral column. Once the bone was visible, we got the go-ahead to plug in our saws and start cutting into the laminae. Once again, each of us [that wished to participate] had the opportunity to direct the saw through the tough bone. I remember being surprised by just how tough the bone was and wondering if the blade we were given hadn’t been sharpened enough. Oddly [at least to me], the sound of saws cutting through bone didn’t seem that different from a ban saw cutting through wood.

Once the spinous and transverse processes had been divided, we took to our chisels and hammers to separate the two pieces. Quite a bit of force went into this [we let the males take over at this point], but eventually a strip of bone, ligament and other various structures was pulled away to reveal a grey-ish spinal cord wrapped in loose dura mater [the process of preserving the cadavers results in the loss of cerebral spinal fluid from the subarachnoid space]. Apparently, we were overzealous in our sawing because all of the dorsal roots were severed. Regardless, Dr. Forbes came over and excitedly pointed out an intact denticulate ligament as well as the pinkish-tinged filum terminale.

They say that exposing the spinal cord is one of the rites of passage of medical school, and I’m going to have to agree with that one. Even though the whole process took nowhere near the full 2 hours we were allotted, it will definitely remain a substantial memory to reflect back upon.

Day 100: Pause

Today’s inane image of the day:

Challenge: Can you guess what we’re modeling here? [Leave comments with what you think this is — no OUWB students, please!]

I apologize for the lack of updates lately — Mike flew into town late Friday and I have been busy relishing his presence since then [I even took him to school with me yesterday and today!]. Since things are still pretty hectic around here, I’ll just leave you with my PRISM reflective writing piece [fictional, about anatomy lab, not my best work but still something!]:

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Day 83: Maybe this is it

Today’s inane image of the day:

An activity Dr. Bee had us do during class on Tuesday… we placed felt “muscles”  over the correct area of one of our dissection group members.

On Thursday, we had another patient panel. This particular patient is the mother of a daughter with a mild form of OTCase [ornithine transcarbamylase] deficiency. What caused my tears to flow during the presentation was that she watched her first born child [a son] pass away merely days after his birth due to this inherited X-linked metabolic disorder. [Because the mutation is X-linked, and males only have 1 “X” chromosome, they usually present with the full form of the disorder. Females have 2 “X” chromosomes, so they can be asymptomatic carriers and pass on the mutation.]

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Day 79: More sweets and exam rumination

Today’s inane image of the day:

A surprise gift from a dear friend [come exam-time, I tend to increase my intake of fried carbs… so this was extremely appropriate!]

This week really started off well — although I’m not a huge fan of Halloween [it stopped being fun when we got too old to go trick or treating…], our class found a slew of candy and treats sprinkled throughout the day [I feel my arteries clogging just thinking about how much saturated fat I consumed yesterday]. The weekend was relatively productive and I had a much needed lunch date yesterday [Palm Palace is amazing… did I ever mention that I love garlic?]. All in all, I can’t really complain.

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Day 46: Changing views

Today’s inane image of the day:
A view of the Grand Canyon [from my road trip] — isn’t it breathtaking?
I find it fascinating how our view and understanding of the world around us is constantly molded by each new experience. Having never really traveled much, when I initially posed the idea of going on the road trip with Mike, I didn’t actually believe I’d go through with it. But weeks later, I found myself slowly but surely driving westward.

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Day 43: The intersection of patient interaction and technology

Today’s inane image of the day:

Another image from my last trip to South Haven, MI — you’ll notice that on gloomy, rainy days, I just want to look at photos of beautiful, calming landscapes.

If you have ~20 minutes, please spend them watching Dr. Abraham Verghese’s Ted Talk — he’s an extraordinary speaker and the subject of his talk [human touch and the return to one-on-one physical examination] is extremely relevant to everyone [since all of us are patients ourselves!].

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