Day 145: Things are moving along

Today’s inane image of the day:

MSG [Medical Student Government] got all of our white coats embroidered over the break! Now we look official. Thanks, MSG [really hard not to read that as monosodium glutamate…]!

Things this week have been relatively hectic…

I took my remediation exam on Tuesday and… passed BFCP1! Woohoo! Interestingly, I thought studying for the remediation exam was more difficult than the original exam, primarily because all of the material was already at least familiar. It was hard to gauge what I actually still remember [S. aureus = gram positive cocci in clusters!] and what I only sort of remember [Turner syndrome = 45X — for some reason this fact was more difficult for me to drill into my head]. Regardless, that hurdle has been surpassed and I was able to spend all of Wednesday not staring at books or lecture notes!

At the time that I realized I had to remediate, I was definitely frustrated with the idea that my entire winter break would be spent with this dark cloud over my head. Furthermore, the remediation exam is, in a way, a higher-stakes exam than the original because failure automatically requires course remediation over the summer and that is the last thing I want to be doing. But looking back, I do see the utility in the process and appreciate the extra push to review the material that I was weak on. I still wish I had passed the exam the first time around so I could have focused on all of my weak spots instead of just specific sections from one exam, but I guess that’s what the summer is for.

Lovely company
Mike has been home since mid-December and it has been absolutely wonderful. Although the LDR thing has been rough, things have settled down a bit and I’ve adjusted [somewhat]. Of course I would much rather just have him around, but I can’t change our current situation and in the end there are pros to the distance that I’ve come to appreciate. I plan on writing up an entry [at some point…] with tips for long distance relationships between medical and non-medical students.

Start of a new semester
We delved right into class again yesterday — it felt like an eon had passed since we last had class, but it was nice to see everyone again and catch up. There were a couple of bumps with getting the semester started, but administration is right on top of smoothing things out.

I’m not sure I’m ready to delve into the extremely deep depths of Neuroscience yet…  but there’s no turning back time at this point. Hopefully I’ll get back into my studying [and regular blog updating] routine relatively quickly since I won’t have any time to spare.

[Many of us discovered our unofficial transcripts and realized that last semester’s courses totaled to 36 credits and this upcoming one is 40 credits… I’d say that this sounds about right.]

Day 87: …but this rerun has an alternate ending

Today’s inane image of the day:

I absolutely *love* when holiday cups reappear at coffee shops. Especially when they have corny statements on them like “When we’re together snowmen come to life” [what is that supposed to mean, anyway?!]. Oh yeah, and that’s Robbins behind my cup…

I will start by saying that as of this morning, I officially passed my BFCP2 Midterm exam.

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Day 85: This feels a lot like a rerun

Today’s inane image of the day:

The wall of Starbucks that I tend to stare at when I’m sick of staring at my lecture notes. I never realized how calming the act of looking at this wall was until after I snapped this photo.

There’s not much more I need to say aside from I’m disappointed. There’s no one to blame except myself and there’s nowhere to go except forward. I could shower you with really optimistic quotes about learning from one’s mistakes or something like that, but I just don’t have the energy.
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