Day 102: A true holiday off

Today’s inane image of the day [scenes from this past study weekend]:

A new Great Lakes Coffee location opened within the Maple Theater so I decided to change up the scenery this past weekend and studied there. Oh, and they were giving away free coffee between 6AM-10AM so that was a plus…
I like pictures of pictures in my textbook.
How awesome is this wall of old cameras?! This definitely sets this particular coffee shop apart from Starbucks – there’s a movie theater attached!

[Rest assured, I have not abandoned Starbucks… I’m just trying out new study partners.]

We just wrapped up our Reproductive unit Tuesday with an NBME exam and anatomy practical [look out for my review on the course in the near future], which means that this Thanksgiving holiday will be the first time I have absolutely nothing pressing to study! Somehow I’ve always had an exam looming right after Thanksgiving or a huge assignment due the week we return, but this year is a first in the do-nothing-over-Thanksgiving-break department for me and it feels really nice. I felt like I floated out of bed this morning because 1.) I didn’t have school; 2.) I didn’t really have to do anything; and 3.) it was sunny outside. Days like these are limited [or almost over – depends on how you look at it], so I plan on enjoying the art of doing nothing for as long as possible.

Last year, around this time I wrote about Giving thanks and I stand by those words today. If I wrote more on what I’m thankful for this year, it would be very similar to last year, so I’ll just leave it at that.

Have you started your holiday shopping? Consider picking up one of my Accomplishments and Quotes Square Desk Calendar as a stocking-stuffer at 20% off with the coupon code, BLOG20. This offer expires on November 30th and applies to any product in my store.

Day 95: Thick skin

Today’s inane images of the day:

My pink backpack has gotten me through many engineering exams, projects, the medical school application process and ~1/4 of medical school – but now it’s time for it to retire.
The new backpack – took me forever to finally give in and buy one that was substantially more expensive than my previous ones, but I expect this new baby to last me well past residency.

In my experience with writing this blog and now the Kaplan and Medscape blogs, I’ve learned that having a thick skin is a basic requirement for publishing anything online. The internet sometimes affords a bit too much free-reign on speech leading to offensive comments and responses that one would never venture to say in real life. I try to only write things that I would say to someone’s face, but not everyone subscribes to this mentality.

Recently, I received this comment [on this entry]:

“If you want to be a doctor stop whining about it. You are the problem with the medical world, you should be excited to learn about the human body and passionate to make connections, having to be around people like you sometimes make me question whether I really want to do this or not becuase there are really so many other students like you. Stop letting it make you miserable or atleast stop whining about it, you know its for your own good (and that’s why you do it). The people drinking on Friday night will actually hate their lives in a few years, hopefully you still won’t.”

Yes, I agree that this particular entry was whiny in nature, but how else am I supposed to portray the weekend before big exams? As daisies and sunshine? That I’m just so enthralled with the prospect of cramming sometimes obscure knowledge into my head? Surely, this individual realizes that I am “excited to learn and passionate to make connections,” [what does “passionate to make connections” even mean? Passionate about making connections, perhaps?]? And why would someone decide not to do medicine just because of “people like me”? If you’re passionate about medicine, I shouldn’t be the thing stopping you.

[Aside – I still love the human body and medical school. The reality is that the process is tiring and writing – whining – about it is cathartic.]

The first time this particular comment was posted, it was written with vulgar language that made me laugh aloud [do let your mind wander on this one – it was ridiculous]. Since I’ve received a number of interesting responses to prior entries, this one didn’t bother me too much. But it made me wonder, why would anyone waste their time and energy on this? When I started this blog and received harsh comments, they really stuck with me. I couldn’t stop myself from referring back to them and wondering where I went wrong. I wondered how I could produce work worthy enough of these commenters. It was kind of pitiful how personally I took some of those blatant attacks.

But time and experience have taught me well – while I do still cringe at some of the responses I receive, I don’t spend weeks agonizing over them. In the end, if someone wants to offer constructive criticism, I appreciate it [yes, that means if you want to tell me that I use the word, “rather” too often and it’s driving you nuts, please do]. I’ve never claimed to be a talented writer or a flawless person – there is always room for improvement and I welcome the feedback. However, attacks are unnecessary and unwelcome. Trolls, please move along.

[Time for me to get back to learning about penises and vaginas – oh, Reproductive unit!]

Links to some of my recent posts on The Differential and Med School Insight:
There are pros to being in a long distance relationship
Reasons to love medical school
It’s personal

Day 81: The sun came out today

Today’s inane image of the day:

I’ve been working on completing this 2013 Health Awareness Calendar which features graphs depicting the disorders/conditions/diseases we recognize and educate on during specific months. Note how April and May aren’t done yet…

This last week of gloomy weather has really taken a toll on my mood [but, the sun finally came out to play for a couple hours today!]. A couple nights ago I wrote a pretty extensive post that I published for all of 10 minutes before deciding that it was too whiny and completely unnecessary. Looking back, I’m glad I didn’t keep it up.

For the first time since starting medical school, I accidentally turned all seven of my alarms off this morning and ended up a wee bit late to class. I feel accomplished that this didn’t happen until the 81st day of my 2nd year… but I hope it never ever happens again. On the plus side, at least I feel semi-rested!

What are your thoughts? Please vote by clicking on this link!
… I’m thinking of selling the above calendars for $10 with half the proceeds benefitting the organization that receives the most votes [to be eligible to vote, you would have to purchase one] and the other half to my tuition bill. What do you think? Would you consider buying one? Maybe for the holiday season?

Please take 2 seconds to click on this link to answer a poll about the calendars – it’s anonymous and will help me out!

[P.S. What happened to all my dedicated readers/commenters?! Are you out there?! Am I talking to an empty room? Stop by and say hi, please!]

Day 76: Basic event professionalism

Today’s inane images of the day:

I was greeted by this vibrant foliage on my way to the parking lot at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak.

I love wrapping/packing gifts… [woohoo for the upcoming holiday season!]. This was one of the speaker gifts for our Symposium.

Yesterday [Fri, 10/26] was our Symposium – here’s the front of the program.

The last couple of weeks have been filled with obsessing over every little detail for our Symposium. Yes, I admit that I am a semi-perfectionist and set some pretty high standards, but I also believe that if I’m going to commit to something that it better be done well. So it follows that I spent hours upon hours agonizing over confirming the speakers, combing through our flyer, poster and program and ensuring we had enough funding to make this event happen. Since things almost never work out the way you plan them, I anticipated that we would run into at least one issue and it ended up being with our speaker gifts [after emailing our supplier on Wednesday confirming the arrival of the gifts on Thursday, he notified me that he hadn’t heard whether they would arrive on-time… way to not let me know earlier…]. I frantically took care of this slight snag on Thursday evening. To my delight, nothing went too horribly wrong last night.

What bothered me most about last night was the final turnout – keep in mind that we required attendees to register in advance and I sent two reminder emails [with a line noting that the individual should notify me if they no longer plan on attending]. Yes, I recognize that it was a Friday evening. Yes, I recognize that most of our registered individuals are busy medical students. But seriously, don’t register for something then fail to attend.

Let me repeat that – don’t sign up for an event you don’t plan on attending.

We had 60 registered attendees but 16 didn’t show up – that’s a 27% no-show rate [I took out the individuals that notified me that they wouldn’t be attending ahead of time – thank you for letting me know]. I understand last minute emergencies [this one can maybe account for 2-3 people] and other things come up, but at least shoot me a quick email so that we don’t waste our resources expecting your arrival. We could have cut back on how many programs we printed and saved almost 3 sheets of printed name tags  We could have rearranged the room that the event was held in to make it feel more well-attended [we had 40ish people in a room designed for 150]. We could have saved money by ordering less food. Had we known that only ~40 people would attend, things would have been handled a bit differently.

This is one of my biggest pet-peeves. All of us at some point has planned/hosted an event and should therefore understand basic event etiquette. Moreover, these are medical students – you’d think there was a baseline level of professionalism to either 1) not sign up or 2) cancel a registration. In today’s digital age of smartphones, tablets and laptops, there’s no excuse for failing to send: “I won’t be attending.” Our four physician speakers took time out of their busy days to create and present talks. All but one of the physicians that registered to attend, showed up [the one that didn’t was on-call]. What does this say about our generation of medical students?

Am I overreacting? Yes. But do I have a valid point? I think so.

In other news… we’ve started our Reproductive unit, which means that I can no longer study in public without feeling really uncomfortable with the images of a pathologic penis or vagina on my laptop screen. Maybe I should invest in one of those privacy screens…

Day 71: Block 5 – Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary

Today’s inane image of the day:

Once again not the recommended textbook for the course – but one of the resources I used.

Somehow we’ve already made it through two blocks of our M2 year – how can we slow time down? I’m not ready to be this close to the boards!

Course overview
GI was another 5 week block and ran similarly to the last 3 blocks [Renal, Cardiovascular, RespiratoryNeuroscience was an outlier] – we had 1 TBL, weekly quizzes, labs and lecture. Our final grade was determined from our performance on quizzes, TBL, a physiology podcast assignment [see below for details], Anatomy practical and final exam.

What I loved
Course Directors. When the course directors for the course insist on being at almost every single lecture, it really sets a positive tone. This is especially important for when we have questions about the material or the nitty-gritty about the course itself because we know we can rely on seeing our course directors in lecture.

Option for Weekly Review. In previous blocks, we had time set aside for a weekly review on Fridays. For GI, Dr. Harriott made a little lockbox for students to submit questions for the weekly review. If we had no questions that week, there was no review. I really liked this format since it meant that professors/clinicians would only have to come in if there was a need. Sometimes I felt bad that time would be taken out of their busy schedule to come to a review that might be sparsely attended – the option for submitting a question helped prevent this from happening.

Final Exam. NBME exams are wonderful. Really.

What I felt neutral about
Anatomy Practical. In Cardio and Pulmonary, the anatomy practicals weren’t something I stressed myself over because they were straightforward and I knew how to study for them. But this year, we have new anatomy professors and a new style of practical exam. While I wasn’t as disappointed with the GI practical as I was for the Renal one, I was still a bit perplexed by why 1/3 of the exam was histology. I understand that in medicine, integration is key and welcome some variety in questions, but in the past, histology was never more than a few questions or maybe ~10% of the exam. The sudden focus on histology really caught me off-guard. In the end, I can grow to appreciate the additional variety in questions, but I wish there was consistency in the exams so that once I’ve figured out the most appropriate way to study, I can stick to it [this is the beauty of NBME exams – many if not most of us study from First Aid Organ Systems and consistently do well].

What could be improved
Physiology Podcast Assignment. In lieu of a normal physiology lecture, we created a Podcast lecture and a handout within our TBL groups covering a small topic. Our group’s topic were the GI reflexes [e.g. gastro-colic] and their possible influence on diarrhea in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). After creating a presentation and a handout, then recording it, each individual had to take a 10 question quiz on the material. Additionally, we were expected to provide feedback on other teams’ work through an online forum.

I think that this assignment has enormous potential as a learning tool but that the way that it was executed this block, made it more of a burden than anything else. The making of the podcast took a pretty significant chunk of time, but it definitely hammered the material into our head. The quiz didn’t really seem to correlate with the material presented in the podcasts, so it was frustrating to take. And it wasn’t very clear as to how much feedback we were expected to provide through the online forums [i.e. did we have to comment on all 10 podcasts or just a few?].

Overall, I think that this activity/assignment could be a great learning tool but that it needed clearer expectations and the questions created directly from the material presented by each group.

Final thoughts
100% of the class passed in both the Renal and GI NBME final exams – I think this is a good sign. =)

Dr. Cappell and Dr. Harriott did a wonderful job with this block and I applaud them for their hard work and dedication to making it a success!

Day 66: Custom designs, anyone?

Today’s inane image of the day:

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness month, AMWA is sponsoring a pink ribbon sale at OUWB. I had a lot of fun with other AMWA members making these ribbons…

These last couple of weeks have been interesting… I ran my first 5K [I’m not a runner at all… I was hoping just to beat a 35 min time], got through the GI final exam, have been hard at work planning AMWA events, tried to keep up with blog entries at Kaplan and The Differential, and apparently just discovered a new passion of mine [read on…].

Recently, I was asked by a staff member at OUWB to help design her wedding invitations. She showed me a card she loved on Wedding Paper Divas and asked if it was possible to make something similar. I immediately agreed to try it out and see what I could do.

Many hours later, I made this card with the free graphic design vector-based program, InkScape. And I was inspired to do more and minimalist design detroit was born. I make no claims about my level of expertise in graphic design [let’s face it, I’m a medical student], but I think that I am very capable of making some interesting pieces. At least… let’s hope they’re interesting [you’ll have to let me know after looking through my site].

I’ve also opened up a small Etsy shop – so if you’re in need of wedding invitations, save the date cards or anything related to graphics and you kind of like my style… consider asking me for a custom design!

Our GI final exam [everyone in our class passed – YAY!] and Anatomy practical was this past Monday. Look forward to an upcoming entry reviewing the course.

Now back to medical school related things…? [I’ve been spending an hour here and there designing new card designs and playing around with new techniques. This was really bad news for me as I was trying to study for my GI final exam, because all I wanted to do was try to make pretty things!]

Day 53

Today’s inane images of the day:

You’re invited to attend our Women’s Health Symposium – Unraveling Breast Cancer program! If you’re from the area and medically-related, consider attending. More information at our AMWA website. Registration is required.

First Aid Organ Systems is an essential study tool for our organ systems courses.

The above images are a great illustration of the things dominating my life as of late. Our Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Unit final exam is right around the corner on October 15 so I really need to kick it into high gear. The first couple of weeks of this block I spent time catching up on AMWA events and life, but now I feel ridiculously behind and panic is starting to set in. There’s a lot of material in this block and and not enough time in the day to memorize it all.

Anyway, I need to get back to studying…

[If you’re in the Metro-Detroit area, please consider attending our RADSAG/AMWA Women’s Health Symposium! We’ve put a lot of time and work into organizing this program. Plus… dinner will be provided and this is a great way to observe Breast Cancer Month!]

Day 42: Fall is settling in

Today’s inane image of the day:

This is the “trail” I jog [it’s actually on the side of a road, which disqualifies it as a real trail, I guess?] [don’t be fooled – I’m a terrible runner].

There hasn’t been too much happening as of late. I finally feel like things are getting done in AMWA [though, this was at the expense of studying for GI] and I’ve had a brief window of opportunity to catch up with old non-medical-school friends.

Michigan has abruptly decided that fall is here, which means cider mill visits filled with hot cider and warm donuts [admittedly, I’ve already been to the cider mill twice to buy half a dozen donuts]. However, the cooler weather also means that it’s much more difficult to peel myself away from bed in the morning – it’s cold outside of my heavy covers and the sun doesn’t start its lazy ascent until I’m already at school. I’m already kind of dreading the end of Daylight Savings Time [November 4th for those of you who are curious].

When I visited L.A. last weekend, I wondered if I could really abandon having 4 true seasons [as always, it was Sunny and 100+ degrees over there]. As much as I dread the seemingly never-ending gloom of late-Winter when the holidays have passed and everyone is just ready for Spring, I also couldn’t imagine abandoning ethereal snowy mornings. Or breathing in the brisk, winter air. Or the quiet that often accompanies light snowfall.

Then again, as I type this entry, my hands are half-frozen, my toes are a suspicious Raynaud’s color and I’m bundled up in a blanket. I guess I wouldn’t mind flip-flops, flow-y dresses and sunglasses year-round.

Are you enjoying the changing seasons? Do you even like seasons?

Day 35: Updates and link love

Today’s inane images of the day:

A successful kick-off AMWA Dinner With Dr. Nuzzarello!
A beautiful sunset in Pasadena [this was taken from the top floor of a parking deck].
Pasadena night life.

This last week following the Renal and Urinary exam has probably been my most stressful one to date because 1) our Anatomy practical examination grades were held until Thursday afternoon and I was scared about failing 2) I neglected all of my other commitments [i.e. AMWA] to study for the exam and felt overwhelmed by having to play catch-up 3) we didn’t get a break Tuesday morning after the exam – nope, we started class at 7:30AM and went until 3PM. All of these things combined made for a very painful week.

Last weekend while I was studying, I felt empty and well, depressed… so I planned a couple of things to look forward to. One of these things was a weekend trip to visit Mike [as you can see from the photos of Pasadena] – albeit short, it was wonderful and worth the money and fatigue from traveling. Currently, I’m writing this from LAX, awaiting my flight back to Detroit [did you know there was free WiFi in LAX?! I’ve totally been missing out…].

Have you noticed my rather sporadic posting schedule? Well… that’s because all of my blogging juices have been directed toward my weekly Kaplan medical blog entries and the newest addition – The Differential. Here are some recent entries I wrote:

Also, the Oakland Post featured me and this blog in their last issue! Check it out here.
Time to pack up and pack into the plane…

Day 22: A day in the life of a med student

Today’s inane image of the day:

Back at it again with Netter’s Atlas and my laptop. Oh, and why not throw in a game of Gin Rummy while we’re at it?

Mike visited for a couple of days, then left again. As always, the visit was too short-lived and now I feel like a part of me is missing. We spent most of his visit doing what I always do – school, study, eat, exercise and sleep [admittedly, I got some shopping in, too].

Generally, my day runs something like this:

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