Today’s inane image of the day:
It’s getting to the time of year where medical students across the country have interviewed [though, this is a weird interview season with the pandemic and the virtual format and all…] and are starting to ask themselves: Where do I see myself living/being/working for the next 3-7 years?
I still remember the feeling of utter exhaustion from interviewing, but also this sense of impending doom about how I was going to navigate the waters surrounding sending a love letter to my top program, how I would rank programs, and whether ranking SEVENTEEN programs would be enough to match [remember, I was in the INAUGURAL CLASS of a BRAND NEW MEDICAL SCHOOL that everyone assumed was in California]. Now that I’m a few years out, have sat on recruitment committee meetings, and have heard the advice from other program directors surrounding these exact questions, I feel that I’m in a place to provide some insight and advice to all of you.
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