Today’s inane image of the day:
On moving, serial contingency planning, and uncertainty
Today’s inane image of the day:
Imposter phenomenon
Today’s inane [except not so inane to me] image of the day:
From my image above, you may have deduced that today was my last day working as an Engineering Intern at Terumo Cardiovascular Systems (CVS). It has been an enlightening, interesting, learning and relatively fun experience. While I’ve complained a few too many times to Mike about an uncomfortable chair or tired eyes, I would not have traded this opportunity for anything else the summer before starting medical school. In the end, I will be enter the medical profession with the knowledge that there are incredible people behind the development and production of some of our most relied-upon medical devices. As physicians, we depend on them to innovate often and consistently produce quality products to keep our patients safe.
Ann Arbor Art Fair
Ahhh, yes, not much has changed since the picture I posted of the Ann Arbor Art Fair 3 years ago. Still looks like there are a lot of people. Still looks like the likelihood that you’ll run into someone’s sweaty arm is phenomenally high. Still looks like a lot of overpriced… stuff [art?].
Art fair woes and quick update
- REALLY long Ann Arbor Food/Dessert/Coffee/Tea Bucket-ish List post coming soon!
- Can someone please get me one of these beautiful new Macbook Airs?
- Follow me on Twitter. SERIOUSLY — it will be worth it.
Too many disheartening things in a day
Today’s inane image of the day:
Finding inspiration
I am pretty obsessed with mini-post-it notes… and leaving little surprises for people to start their day with [since I get to work way before anyone else]. Hence, today’s inane image of the day:
Another Sunday morning
Today’s inane image of the day:
Saturday lounging and reasons to love OUWB
I am enjoying the fact that this blog is giving me an excuse to take pictures of the frivolous things of my daily life — this being said, here’s today’s inane image of the day:
Mornings, how I love you
If you couldn’t tell by the time that I generally post each day, I am a morning person. It took a number of years before I recognized and admitted to the fact, but now that I am in-touch with myself [or something like that], I now complete a number of tasks as the sun peeks above the horizon each day.
But hey, give me a weekend and I’ll sleep until 1PM. I just said I was a morning person, not that I could pop out of bed at 5:30AM without reservations!
If you’ve been following my Twitter, then you might have seen my tweet about breaking into a new paper planner with pretty pens… well, I wasn’t kidding about being “old fashioned”: