Now that I know I’m going to be a resident in July… I have some thoughts on preparedness of medical students for residency.
Month: March 2015
OUWB Match 2015 results are in!
Today’s [not so] inane images of the day:

My match result still hasn’t settled in. Despite having an entire weekend to wrap my mind around the fact that I matched at my #1 Transitional Year and Anesthesiology Residency programs, I cannot help but wonder when someone will wake me up from this pleasant dream.
I Matched! [the wait begins…]
How to upgrade your 2011 or 2012 Macbook Pro RAM (with Step-by-Step photos)
Today’s inane images of the day will be scattered throughout the entry.
Sometime in late 2014, I was complaining to a current 3rd year about how slow my Macbook Pro [13-inch, Early 2011 model] had become. I like running ten to twenty Chrome browser tabs along with the whole Microsoft Office suite and FaceTime [so I can chat with Mike, of course] all at once. It doesn’t take a degree in computer science to know that this will inevitably slow down the performance of my laptop. Anyway, that genius 3rd year suggested that I look into upgrading my RAM and even went as far as to send me a link to the memory he purchased to upgrade his own laptop. After some hesitation [I really didn’t want to screw anything up!], I decided one frustrated evening when my laptop was operating at snail’s pace to just do it.
Pre-Match Day anxiety
Random appearances around the internet
My 5 low-tech study/work essentials
Today’s inane images of the day will be scattered within the post.
I absolutely love my laptop and iPhone but when it comes down to crunch time [e.g. exam-time, research-time, AMWA-time…] they prove to be more of a distraction than anything else. I mean, why would I want to review the Krebs cycle when I could be stalking people on Facebook or “Liking” everything on Instagram? Or, I’ll find that a great blog post idea strikes me and I just have to write it right now otherwise it will fall out of my head. Yeah. Right. [Excuses.]
Advice on crafting your MS4 schedule
Today’s inane image of the day:

I hear from my panic-stricken MS3s that this weekend marks the beginning of the MS4 scheduling lottery. I also hear that they are running things a bit differently than last year [which, from what I’ve heard, sounds like an incremental improvement over the system we had last year]. Because I don’t quite know the details of how the different rounds of the lottery are organized this year, I’m not going to provide strategies on ranking courses, only ideas to consider when planning out what to do for the 10-months that constitute the best year of medical training.