Today’s inane image of the day:

It’s the weekend before Match Day… and I am freaking out.
As I’ve noted before, I believe in the Match algorithm and ultimately think that things will work out. But that doesn’t change the baseline level of anxiety that I’ve been trying to suppress the last couple of weeks. My concentration has been mediocre at best. Although Mike likes to keep reminding me that there’s nothing I can do at this point, I find no relief in this.
Distraction from the whole process has been the best way to cope. I’ve been writing about it [clearly], reading books [for fun] and working on various mini-projects. When it comes to real work that needs to get done [for example, I’ll be presenting a poster at the 2015 University of Michigan Immuno-Hematology Symposium in a couple of weeks, but I’ve been putting off the data analysis and writing], I feel frozen… as if the outcome of the Match is going to suddenly thaw me out.
I should listen to my own advice and find solace in the journey. Fretting about the future doesn’t make much sense.
[This entry’s purpose was to provide a snapshot into my pre-Match anxiety so that next week, I can reflect on how ridiculous I was being.]
Do you have recommendations for me on what to do the rest of the weekend/week? For those of you that have already gone through the process, how did you feel?