Are anesthesiologists DOCTORS/MDs/PHYSICIANS? …and other frequently Googled questions

Today’s inane image of the day:

During a talk I gave recently to an anesthesia department about social media for use by medical professionals, I used the example of typing into Google: “Are anesthesiologists…” and allowing the predictive text to fill in the rest. The FIRST response on Google is: “Are anesthesiologists doctors?” which I used as a demonstration that we [as anesthesiologists] need to do a better job with letting the public know our role in the surgical team.

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ERAS preference signaling, supplemental application, strategies for Match 2023

Today’s inane image of the day:

For the 2022 Match, the ERAS application included a “supplemental” portion that introduced something called preference signaling. 3 specialties participated in this pilot [though ENT started this starting with the 2021 Match cycle] and this year, this program is expanding to additional specialties [16 total]… including anesthesia.

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5 reasons NOT to become a doctor/physician

Today’s inane image of the day:

I have dreamed of becoming a doctor since I was a young girl. But nothing prepared me for the realities of the profession [of note, I’m a first-generation college graduate and no one in my family practices medicine]. If you are pre-medical and plan on embarking on the journey to becoming a physician, I ask that you consider these 5 reasons NOT to become one:

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4th year residency match: Prep for internship, studying, getting ready as a medical student

Today’s inane image of the day:

Match day was one of the happiest days of my life. It isn’t that way for everyone, so I think it’s important to respect that and support our colleagues when we can. But for those of you that have matched into a residency program (congratulations!) and now know where you’re going to be for the next few years, this video is for you.

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5 rejections and failures on journey to becoming a doctor… and what I learned from them

Today’s inane image of the day:

My journey to becoming an attending physician has not been straightforward. I’d argue that no one’s journey to adulthood really is. But that being said, with how much social media highlights all of the happy, bright things in life, it can be easy to forget that all of us stumble sometimes. All of us fail or receive rejections.

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REGRETS: early college [high school dropout], long distance relationship, throwing away my 20s?

Today’s inane image of the day:

I was inspired by a question I was asked during a medical school interview: “What do you regret most?” At the time [over TEN years ago now… whew, I’m getting old], I answered that I regretted going to an early college. Looking back, there are a couple of things that I may have regretted at one point or another:

1. Going to an early college
2. Being in a long distance relationship
3. Throwing away my 20’s [to become a doctor]

But over time, my perspective on these things has changed. Watch the video to learn more about why! I’d love to hear how you’d respond to this interview question on YouTube!